"Apache Round Dance"
"Buffalo Hunt"
"Bureau of Indian Affairs: Indian and Teacher"
"Bureau of indian Affairs: Indian and Soldier"
"Conservation of Wildlife"
"Dam Construction"
"Fighting Forest Fire"
"Initiation Ceremony"
"Insular Possession: Alaska"
"Insular Possession: Virgin Islands"
"National Park Service: North Country"
"National Park Service: Tropical Country"
"Petroleum Industry: Distribution and Use"
"Petroleum Industry: Production"
"Placer Mining"
"Preparing Yarn For Weaving"
"Pueblo Life: Buffalo Chase"
"Pueblo Life: Buffalo Dance"
"Pueblo Life: Pottery Makers"
"Replanting the Wasteland"
"Singing Love Songs"
"The Homestead and the Building of the Barbed Wire Fence"
"The Hunting Ground"
"The Okahoma Land Rush"
"Themes of the National Parks: Bryce Canyon"
"Themes of the National Parks: Yosemite"
"Wild Horses"
"Winter Roundup"
Scenes of Exploration 1
Scenes of Exploration 2
Scenes of Indian Life